Our 72 Hour Birthday Sale is Now On! Half Price Savings!

Russ Jackson's Newborn Photography Bundle

This bundle has been designed for photographers looking to specialize in newborn photography and need a comprehensive reference resource to build knowledge, gain confidence and refer back to.

This offer gives you lifetime access to in-depth video tutorials and downloadable resources which cover every aspect of creating stunning newborn images that will keep your clients coming back for more and recommending your services.

The bundle includes the following products:

  • Posing Techniques for Newborn Photography online workshop
  • Studio Lighting for Newborn Photography online workshop
  • Editing for Newborn Photography online workshop
  • Russ Jackson Academy Newborn Action Set

*ON SALE* - Use Coupon BIRTHDAY-50 at checkout to claim 50% off!

Russ Jackson's Newborn Photography Bundle



50% Complete

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