My five top tips for emotive and timeless family portraits in your newborn sessions.

Celebrating the arrival of a new member to the family is perhaps one of the most significant milestones in our lives. It ranks right up there with our wedding day. But, like experienced wedding photographers, we don't just want to record the event; we want to capture the incredibly powerful emotions our clients experience in this momentous time in their lives. 

Capturing emotion is everything when it comes to a successful family portrait. Remember, we are recording the beginnings of a new family, and it is such an honour and privilege to immortalise these precious moments for our clients.

In this blog, I will list five of my top tips to capture stunning, emotive, and timeless images your clients (and their babies) will cherish for a lifetime. 

1.Keep it simple

Remember, emotion is king! Try to avoid anything that distracts attention away from the connection between parents and their baby.. Keep the outfits simple, and try to avoid bright and patterned clothing. I...

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One day and two days mentoring to push your photography and studio to the next level

mentoring photography Jul 31, 2018

Personal mentoring days cater to your specific needs no matter where you are in your photographic journey. Whether it's learning how to master your DSLR or how to creatively light newborns with flash, we can work out a day that gives you the maximum return on your investment.





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